Monday, May 20, 2013

Yet Another Reason to List Your Property!

In statistics just released, the unemployment rate for Marin County dropped again! Continuing in its position as the lowest unemployment rate in the state, the rate dropped at the end of April to 4.6%--that's NOT a typo!  That's a drop of 0.6% from the end of March, 2013. Better yet, this rate is also a drop of 1.7% from a year ago's 6.3%! This latest rate is the lowest since October, 2006--a period of almost seven years! It's also well under the national unemployment rate of 7.5%.

So, what exactly does this have to do with making a decision to list your home?  Simple! People without jobs are far less likely to be able to buy a house. If the number of unemployed drops, that infers that more folks WILL be able to buy, and also be more inclined to do so. So, along with the fact that the continued scarcity of home inventory is driving prices up, along with continued near record low mortgage rates, you have an opportunity here! If you've been debating placing your home on the market, take advantage of this increase in the likely number of people who can afford to buy it. Call us for a free evaluation of your home's worth, and while you're at it, have us demonstrate how we can get you the most money in the shortest period of time for your home! You know the number(s): Peter: (415) 279-6466; Jane: (415) 531-4091.


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