Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, just a quick note from here: things generally seem to be continuing to recover in the Marin housing markets. Prices, IN VERY GENERAL TERMS, are rising. However, this is still to a large degree a house by house thing. True, the average and median prices are again higher than a month ago and at this time last year. However, the continued slowness of the overall economic recovery will still make this housing recovery take its time. Many experts are indicating that it will be anywhere from 2-5 years before price achieve a full rebound to their 2007 highs. Still, if you bought in 2009, you're likely ahead of the game, and if you bought before the collapse and can wait a bit, you should gradually be able to regain a good portion of your former prices.

If you have any questions about the market in general, or want us to come by and evaluate your home, please call us at: I(415) 380-2133/531-4091 or drop us an email: .


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