Friday, April 02, 2010

More Positive Signs:

Well, for the eighth consecutive month, the Case-Shiller report has shown increases in home prices. A regular report of the twenty largest metropolitan areas in the country (one of which is San Francisco, including Marin and the East Bay), the report showed that median prices for single family residences again rose over the past month. While they have a long way, and possibly at least a couple of years, to go to return to pre-financial crisis levels, the fact that homes are going for continually rising prices bodes well overall.

Coupled with this is the latest jobs report, which showed an increase of 162,000 jobs nationally in March, the news is cautiously improving. The jobs figure, for example, is the first time in three years that an increase of that size in any month has been experienced. Compare this to this time last year when over 750,000 jobs monthly were being lost, and it shows a definite positive turn.

In the local housing market, numbers of sales are increasing, and we're even seeing a few cases of multiple offers. Stay tuned....


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